Tuesday, November 23, 2004


Estabelece a Constituição:
Artº 2: "A República Portuguesa é um Estado de direito democrático(...)".
Artº 3: "A soberania, una e indivisível, reside no povo, que a exerce segundo as formas previstas na Constituição".
Artº 6: "O Estado é unitário(...)"

1. Explica o artº 2.
2. Diz o que entendes por soberania.
3. Explica a parte a negrito do artº 3.
4. Dá uma noção do conceito expresso no artº 6.
5. Indica os elementos do Estado.
6. Diz o que se entende por separação dos poderes.

O PR recebeu da AR, a fim de ser promulgada, uma determinada lei.
7. Descreve as possíveis reacções do PR.
8. Supõe que o Trib. Constitucional considerava a lei inconstitucional. O que deveria e poderia fazer o PR?

8 "A AR é a assembleia representativa de todos os cidadãos". Justifica esta afirmação.

9. Indica as funções da AR.

10. "O Governo é o órgão de condução da política geral do país". Comenta esta afirmação.

11. "Os tribunais são os órgãos de soberania com competência para administrar a justiça". Refere o papel dos tribunais na administração da justiça.

Saturday, November 20, 2004


Committee on Cultural Youth, Educational Media and Sport

The question of the media`s role in politics: to what extent is the media responsible for- increasing political disillusionment?

Submitted by: Ana Cristina Mestre; Ana Marta Dias; Leíla Sargento; Maria José Gregório: Nádia Pepe; Nuno Carapinha: Sílvia Morgado; Teo Machado; Teresa Palma; Tiago Garcias.

The European Youth Parliament

1. Fully aware that freedom of opinion and expression is consecrated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and that it includes the right to hold opinions without interference and also the right to seek receive and import information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally in writing or in print, in the form of art or through any other media;

2. Bearing in mind that the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union" also postulates the right to freedom of expression, including the right to hold opinion and to free/y receive and impart information and ideas without any interference of public authorities regardless of frontiers.

3. Believing that independent. accurate and pluralistic information" is o crucial element in a functioning democracy, and a basic condition for the conscious exercise of citizenship;

4. emphasising that a lot of information is not equivalent to good quality information;

5. Noting that the media play an increasingly determinant role in setting the terms of political debate and also in the selection, promotion and/or destruction of public figures;

6. Realising. however. that the above-mentioned role isn`t always performed with the due accuracy. transparency and pluralism;

7. Regretting the numberless situations of abuse of freedom of expression of manipulation lies and intoxicating Campaigns. which some media are at the centre of.

8. Further deploring the violations of the deontological media code which we so often witness and the continuous disregard for ethical principles, the very same principles that should inspire all professional media;

9. Taking into account the dose ambiguous links between political power, economic power and media groups which become evident namely in concentrated ownership of major media groups, eventually leading to significant interference with editorial policies;

10. Concerned by the inexistence or inadequacy of institutional s1ructures projected to watch over, monitor and evaluate The medic's performance;

11. Conscious on the other hand, of the important role performed by the journalists as they cover relevant social, economical, political and cultural issues, or expose corruption and abuse, often putting their lives at stake;

12. Convinced that most journalists are inspired by the search of truth and produce good quality information;

13. Noting, with regret, the European citizen`s decreasing engagement in public life as well as their increasing disillusionment with the fiability of the information they nave access.

a) Reaffirms the need to develop the habit of critical thinking on the media's work and its political and civic implications, implica1ing educo.tiona14nd cultural institutions in the process.

b) Recommends the development of effective regulation mechanism through which citizens may exert control over the media's performance in the game of the community's best interest and of the right to be properly informed.

c) Su9gests the creation of a Media User Office, to which every citizen can appeal whenever he or she believes his or her rights are being disrespected by the media.

d) Further recalls that journalism schools should reinforce the importance of accuracy, transparency and pluralism in the media, and prepare journalists to correctly interpret and practise their deontological code.

e) Advises the creation of institutions to ensure that ethical principles are respected in the course of the media's performance.

f) Reminds political and economical groups that true objective information ís an important foundation in a democracy.

g) further claims for legislation which effectively limits:
(i) The concentration ownership of media groups often by multinational corporations.
(ii) the interference of political power upon the media's editorial policies specially in state-owned media.

h) Reinforces the importance of a public media sector, providing good quality information. and thus helping to build a stronger political and social consciousness. firmly based upon principles of democracy. solidarity of nations/people, historical responsibility, as well as respect for cultural. Ethnical or religious differences.

i) Last (but not least). invites (or rather, challenges) all citizens, on behalf of European youth (concerned with the promiscuity between media and power and its implications) to get acquainted with and to fully live up to the rights, playing a more active, engaged and conscious role in public/civic life.


Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

"High Unemployment low growth and a weak currency": does the EU now need to ban the idea of «Social Europe" in order to achieve economic competitiveness?

The European youth Parliament:

A)Noting with the high unemployment rate in many countries of the EU.

B) Bearing in mind that this situation is particu1arly serious for the younger population straight out of the University and who cannot find a job that fits their academic and professional qualifications.

C)Acknowledging that these youths see their expectations defrauded on trying to build up their families and households.

D)Deeply concemed that some sectors of the European Union population are thrown to the unemployment queues at an age rate that only with difficulty meets the needs of the job market.

E)Fully aware that economic difficulties due to the energy crisis and low technological development have worsened the unemployment rate, as they have made for the bankruptcy of many industries.

F)Aware that public and private investment doesn't always meet the real daily life needs.

G) Convinced that non-investment reties on lack of prospects, lack of confidence in the markets and fear-driven insecurity.

H)Alarmed by the financial ímba1an.ce that results from the fact that the rate of both enterprise profit and fami1y income is much lower when compared to the one in the richest countries of the world though there is currency parity.

I)Keeping in mind that a policy exclusive1y focussed on economic competitiveness jeopardises social justice on sharing wealtl1 and the well-being of the European population.

1) Calls for a policy of incentives on the creation of job posts both in already existing enterprises and in me ones to be implemented.

2) Requests true cooperation between countries so that the location of enterprises and the creation of job posts can take place in countries where industrial investment is reduced.

3) Reaffirming that competitiveness should drive the European economy, strongly supports professional training on the use of high technology both at professional centres and through e-learning.

4) Recommends the creation of professional training centres adapted to the needs of middle-aged long-term unemployment so that they can create their own business or develop their skills and interests in other professional areas.

5) Requests Legislation. so that stretched work schedules can give rise to job-sharing, job-shifting and E-work transforming one job post in two or three.

6) Further requests the creation of occupational centres promoting community service so that the jobless on the can find the dignity of contributing for the society and help Europe in the path of competitiveness.

7) Emphasises the importance of work and individual production to one's personal growth and identity as a member of society.

8) Further emphasises the need of both Government and private support to those who look for a job in a free circulation Europe.

9) Encourages Higher Education schools and Colleges to have the job market needs into account when making up their curricula

Friday, November 19, 2004



The question of European integration after enlargement implies a closer union

Submitted by: Ana Pata, Daniela Marques, Karim Valimamade, Tiago Felício, João Luís Simões, Marina Oliveira, Mickaël Vieira, Mafalda Grilo, José António Rodrigues e Mariana Mendes.

The European Youth Parliament

A. Bearing in mind that the wish to build a strong, democratic, secure, stable and prosper union allows it to play a primary role in economic and political globalization.

B. Believing that a stronger Union can play a more important role in the maintenance of global peace and security and can influence the global economic context.

C. Affirming that global economy requires the strengthening of multilateral regulation as multilateralism and multiregionalism will be the central pillar of the new global order.

D. Deeply conscious that all European citizens, with no exception, have the right to share the objectives of respect for the human rights, democracy and prosperity which were on the basis of the formation of the union.

E. Realizing that the most recent enlargement has considerably increased the risk of deepening the social and economic disparities.

F. Taking into account that the disparities among the richest and the poorest regions have been increasing worryingly, since the number of regions below the 75% of the E.U. average has grown from 46 in 1995 to 50.

G. Convinced that a more direct involvement of all European citizens in the process of strengthening the Union will be necessary.

H. Recognizing that there are many doubts about European cohesion and the success of the enlargement both in the old and the new members of the E.U.

I. Keeping in mind that a Union, which has a great diversity of nationalities, languages, cultures and ideas, needs a bigger cohesion to stimulate the appearance of a European citizenship.

J. Believing that only a cohesive Europe can intervene in issues like security and defence, environment and economic growth, employment and productivity.

K. Affirming that a closer union must regard the principles of constructive dialogue and respect for the will of the member states.

L. Observing that the previous integration experiences proved to be quite advantageous both for the new members and the Union as a whole.

1. Emphasizes the network cooperation agreements, the policy of aid to the development and the pratice of strong positions in the various international organizations (UN, NATO, WTO).

2. Reaffirms the EU personality through the supremacy of the communitarian law above the national law.

3. Endows the EU of the means to proceed, through evolution and commitment towards an improved economic and social cohesion.

4. Requests the reinforcement of the communitarian budget as to allow the sustainable development of the weaker economies.

5. Approves the principle of reinforced cooperations, so that the states that want a faster integration don’t get “prisoners” of those which don’t want it, provided that there is a transparent cooperation and open to everyone.

6. Recommends the democratisation of the institutions and the process of decision must be developed and reinforced.

7. Further recommends the promotion of the citizens` access to the institutions, simplifying the different kinds of processes and their guarantees.

8. Reminds the need to reinforce the power of the European Parliament, the political legitimacy of the European Commission, by increasing the political dependence towards the EP.

9. Requests the need for civic explanation campaigns and definition of objectives for youth policy programs (interchange programs).

10. Further requests the intensification of the component of the European question and of citizenship in the different educational curricula and adult education.

11. Supports the strengthening of defence and security matters in order to face the new threats, protect European strategic interests and contribute to global peace.

12. Encourages the European policy in matters of asylum, visa, police and juridical cooperation, information systems and immigration policy, namely forwarding EUROPOL and EUROJUST.

13. Assumes the environment as a driving force of the European economy, and therefore as a driver to the integration process.

14. Reaffirms the Commission competences in the environment policy measures.

15. Approves the adoption of measures to increase competitiveness through the development of a consistent programme of I&D (Investigation and Development), transeuropean networks, regional aids, professional training, promotion of employment and support to the “Small and Medium–sised Enterprises (SME).

Thursday, November 18, 2004



La question d'intégration Européenne après agrandissement implique une union plus étreinte

Soumise par: Ana Pata, Daniela Marques, Karim Valimamade, Tiago Felício, João Luís Simões, Marina Oliveira, Mickaël Vieira, Mafalda Grilo, José António Rodrigues et Mariana Mendes.

Le parlement européen de la jeunesse

A. Tout à fait conscient que le désir de construire une Europe forte, démocratique, assurée, stable et prospère, la rends plus capable de jouer un rôle de premier plan dans cette époque d'une globalisation économique et politique.

B. Pensant qu'une union plus forte peut jouer un rôle plus important dans l'entretien de la paix et de la sécurité mondiales et influencer le contexte économique mondiale positivement.

C. Affirmant que l'économie globale demande un renforcement du règlement multilatéral pour que le multilatéralisme et le multirégionalisme seront les maîtres des barres du nouvel ordre global.

D. Profondément concerné que constitue un droit de tous les citoyens Européens, sans exception, la partition des l'objectifs de liberté, respect pour les droits humains, démocratie et prospérité qui ont été dans la base de la création de l'union.

E. Réalisant que l'agrandissement le plus récent a augmenté considérablement le risque de, à l'intérieur de l'Union Européenne, les asymétries sociales et économiques pourront venir s’accentuer.

F. Tenant en compte que les disparités entre les régions les plus riches et les régions les plus pauvres se sont devenues de plus en plus pire dans un préoccupant chemin, parce que le nombre de régions qui se localisent en dessous les 75% de la moyenne d'UE est passé de 46 en 1995 pour 50.

G. Tout à fait convaincu qu`il devient nécessaire une participation plus directe des citoyens Européens dans le processus d'approfondissement de l'Union.

H. Reconnaissant qu’ils existent beaucoup de doutes par rapport à la cohésion Européenne et au succès de l'agrandissement soit dans les vieux états soit dans les nouveaux.

I. Croyant qu'une Union qui est riche dans la diversité de nationalités, de langues, de cultures et d’idées elle a besoin d’une plus grande cohésion qui stimule l'apparence d'une citoyenneté commune Européenne.

J. Pensant que seulement une Europe cohésive puisse intervenir dans les domaines comme la sécurité et la défense, dans l'atmosphère et dans l'agrandissement économique, l’emploi et la productivité.

K. Affirmant qu'une union plus étroite doive passer le principe du dialogue et du respect pour la volonté des État-membres.

L. Observant que les expériences d'intégration antérieures se sont montrées considérablement avantageuses soit pour les états adhérents soit pour l'Union dans son ensemble.

1. Insiste sur le filet d'accords de la coopération, de la politique d'aide au développement et de l'exercice de positions fortes dans les plusieurs exemples internationaux (ONU, OTAN, OMC).

2. Affirme la personnalité de l'Union Européenne à travers la suprématie du droit de la communauté sur le droit national.

3. Soutient l'Union des moyens qui lui permettent d'avancer à travers l'évolution et l'engagement dans le sens d'une plus grande cohésion économique et social.

4. Demande le renforcement du budget de la communauté de manière à permettre aider le développement soutenable des économies les plus faibles.

5. Accepte le principe des coopérations renforcées, en permettant que les États qui veulent entrer plus vite dans l’approfondissement de l'intégration, ne restent pas prisonniers de ceux qui ne le veulent pas, depuis qu’il aie une coopération transparente et ouverte à tout le monde.

6. Reconnaissant que la démocratisation des institutions et des processus de décision doivent être augmentés et renforcés.

7. Reconnaissant aussi l’encouragement de l'accès des citoyens aux institutions, en simplifiant les plusieurs types de processus et leurs garanties.

8. Accepte les pouvoirs renforcés du parlement Européen et la légitimité politique de l'ordre Européen, à travers une plus grande dépendance politique au P.E..

9. Demande l’approfondissement des campagnes d'information civique et des objectifs des programmes des politiques de jeunesse (programmes de l'échange).

10. Demande aussi l’intégration de la composent Européen et de la citoyenneté dans les différents programmes scolaires et dans la formation des adultes.

11. Insiste sur le vecteur de la défense et de la sécurité pour faire face aux nouvelles menaces, pour sauvegarder des intérêts stratégiques Européens et contribuer pour la paix mondiale.

12. Confirme la politique Européenne en ce qui concerne à la matière d’asile, vus, de la coopération policière et judiciaire, systèmes d'information et politiques de l'émigration, spécialement avancer avec EUROPOL et EUROJUST.

13. Considère l’ambiance comme une «driving force» de l'économie Européenne et, par conséquent, comme conducteur de l'approndissement de l'intégration.

14. Soutient que les compétences de la Commission doivent être élargies dans ce qui concerne aux mesures de politique de l'environnement.

15. Autorise des mesures de renforcement de la compétitivité à travers le développement d'un programme cohérent d'R&D (recherche et développement), des filets transeuropéenes, des aides régionales, de la formation professionnelle, de la promotion de l'emploi et de support aux Petites et Moyennes Entreprises (PME).