Saturday, November 20, 2004


Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

"High Unemployment low growth and a weak currency": does the EU now need to ban the idea of «Social Europe" in order to achieve economic competitiveness?

The European youth Parliament:

A)Noting with the high unemployment rate in many countries of the EU.

B) Bearing in mind that this situation is particu1arly serious for the younger population straight out of the University and who cannot find a job that fits their academic and professional qualifications.

C)Acknowledging that these youths see their expectations defrauded on trying to build up their families and households.

D)Deeply concemed that some sectors of the European Union population are thrown to the unemployment queues at an age rate that only with difficulty meets the needs of the job market.

E)Fully aware that economic difficulties due to the energy crisis and low technological development have worsened the unemployment rate, as they have made for the bankruptcy of many industries.

F)Aware that public and private investment doesn't always meet the real daily life needs.

G) Convinced that non-investment reties on lack of prospects, lack of confidence in the markets and fear-driven insecurity.

H)Alarmed by the financial ímba1an.ce that results from the fact that the rate of both enterprise profit and fami1y income is much lower when compared to the one in the richest countries of the world though there is currency parity.

I)Keeping in mind that a policy exclusive1y focussed on economic competitiveness jeopardises social justice on sharing wealtl1 and the well-being of the European population.

1) Calls for a policy of incentives on the creation of job posts both in already existing enterprises and in me ones to be implemented.

2) Requests true cooperation between countries so that the location of enterprises and the creation of job posts can take place in countries where industrial investment is reduced.

3) Reaffirming that competitiveness should drive the European economy, strongly supports professional training on the use of high technology both at professional centres and through e-learning.

4) Recommends the creation of professional training centres adapted to the needs of middle-aged long-term unemployment so that they can create their own business or develop their skills and interests in other professional areas.

5) Requests Legislation. so that stretched work schedules can give rise to job-sharing, job-shifting and E-work transforming one job post in two or three.

6) Further requests the creation of occupational centres promoting community service so that the jobless on the can find the dignity of contributing for the society and help Europe in the path of competitiveness.

7) Emphasises the importance of work and individual production to one's personal growth and identity as a member of society.

8) Further emphasises the need of both Government and private support to those who look for a job in a free circulation Europe.

9) Encourages Higher Education schools and Colleges to have the job market needs into account when making up their curricula